Junyi Zhu (朱俊屹)

Research associate at KU Leuven, Belgium. Major in artificial intelligence.


I’m about to complete my PhD at KU Leuven in the Processing Speech and Images Center under the guidance of Prof. Matthew Blaschko. And I am currently working as a research associate in this group. My research journey has encompassed privacy-preserving machine learning and distributed learning, and recently, I’ve been exploring the fascinating areas of image generative models and large language models. Conducting research in the field of AI and using this technology to enhance industry or our daily lives are my greatest passions. I look forward to the day when AGI becomes a reality.

Before my PhD, I earned my Master’s degree from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, specializing in information technologies and vehicle engineering. During my Master’s program, I worked on several research projects addressing autonomous driving problems using AI at the Institute of Measurement and Control Systems and the Research Center for Information Technology in Karlsruhe.

** I’m currently on the job market 💪 and welcome anyone interested to reach out! **


Jun 01, 2024 My dissertation is complete, and I’m looking forward to the defence!
May 07, 2024 I gave an oral presentation at ICLR for our work accepted in the Tiny Paper Track.
Feb 25, 2024 I’m working on an external collaboration with Institute for Advanced Algorithms Research in Shanghai.
Nov 27, 2023 I gave a talk on Leuven.AI Juniors Day.
Oct 02, 2023 I’m working on an external collaboration with Infinigence-AI.
Aug 10, 2023 I’m visiting NICS-EFC lab at Tsinghua University for two months.
Jun 30, 2023 I attended the Generative Modeling Summer School (GeMSS) and had a lot of fun at Copenhagen!

selected publications

  1. CVPR
    Confidence-aware Personalized Federated Learning via Variational Expectation Maximization
    Junyi Zhu*, Xingchen Ma*, and Matthew B. Blaschko
    * = equal contribution
  2. ICML
    Surrogate Model Extension (SME): A Fast and Accurate Weight Update Attack on Federated Learning
    Junyi Zhu, Ruicong Yao, and Matthew B. Blaschko
  3. arXiv
    Linear Combination of Saved Checkpoints Makes Consistency and Diffusion Models Better
    Enshu Liu*, Junyi Zhu*, Zinan Lin, and 7 more authors
    * = equal contribution